Stöd mitt RAAM genom att bida till min insamling till Cancerfonden (klicka på loggan)

lördag 23 juni 2012


Friday, June 22, 2012

At this writing Francis, Susan and I are barrelling down the highway in the RV, moving the ”elelphant” as I call it, two time stations up the road.  Gunnar started at 6:35 this morning from TS 38 in Sullivan, Indiana and has passed TS 39 and TS 40. (130 miles)  His evening crew hopes to meet up with us in Blanchester, Ohio TS 42, sometime in the early morning hours.  That’s another 100 miles up the trail.  Gunnar is tired and sleep-deprived, but in good spirits, and this afternoon he was strong. 

I always thought of Indiana as flat, but the scenery is decidedly hilly where Gunnar was biking today.  Hilly and hot.  But also beautiful, and we passed through many rural towns with populations in the hundreds, where Walmart and McDonalds are still a good drive away.  The United States is a country of contrasts, and I am sure the winding roads, small farms and peaceful scenery were not lost on Gunnar, even as he struggled up the hills. 

Thank you for all of your encouraging words.  And a special thanks to Bosse D. and his son Aaron for the two CDs you put together for Gunnar to listen to.  They are much appreciated by the crew as well and will forever more be associated with RAAM.

As I checked the Cancer Society here at McDonalds to see how much Gunnar had already collected, I saw that you have already contributed over 25000 Skr.  Thank you for your generosity!  I am looking forward to reporting that to Gunnar tonight when he finally reaches TS42.  The evening crew reported that he had left TS41 and was on his way here.
Fight on, Gunnar.  Kämpa!

P.S.  Due to limited wifi access, you often get more than one posting when we make it to a McDonalds.  Sorry about the time delay.

18 kommentarer:

  1. Heja Gunnar friskt humör det är det som susen gör.

  2. Heja, heja. Suveränt jobbat! Kör på!

  3. Nu är du närmare målet än vad du var förut. Gräv djupt och kämpa in i kaklet.

  4. Du ser stark ut Gunnar det här kommer att gå fint, HEJA, HEJA!!!!


  5. Älskar dig pappa, och mamma du är fantastisk!
    Tänker på er så mycket under en dag. Jag och Eigil läser varje inlägg som kommer, bra skrivit mamma.


  6. Härligt kämpat. Du fixar detta. Heja heja.

  7. Vilken hjälte du är Gunnar! Jag får sån inspiration av människor som du. Tänker ofta på dig och ditt stora äventyr och jag är full av beundran. Kämpa på. Jag vet att du kommer att klara det

  8. Det går jättebra, brorsan ! Nu är det medvind, nedförsbacke och pannkaka hemma på bordet som gäller !!!

  9. GO GUNNAR, GO!! Inte allt kvar nu. /Lars

  10. Grymt imponerande. Kämpa på!

  11. Jag är så jäkla imponerad av dig Gunnar!
    Fortsätt så här!!!

    //Ulf L.

  12. Helloooo Gunnar!!!
    I live in Venice, Florida and am very good friends with Francis and Susan. I have been following your progress every day and I just wanted to let know how inspiring it is watching a human being fulfill his dream. Although we have never met I am proud of you. I cannot begin to imagine what sacrifices you have endured during this journey but I am sure in the end it will be all worth it. As you near the end of your journey I want you to know that people you do not know or have ever met are...supporting you... cheering you on. The world is watching "Gunnar the Viking". I hope to meet you some day if you ever come to Venice.
    Congratulations on your accomplishments .
    Gary Steinwachs

    P.S. Francis kommer att få dig kudde myntverk när du kommer till Annapolis! Kämpa på!

  13. Kudde myntverk, låter suspekt... Kuddgodis, kanske?
    80 mil kvar, Kämpa på!

    /Micke A Sellberg

  14. Upploppet närmar sig! Kämpa!

  15. Kämpa kämpa gunnar! Följer dig varje dag och har precis skänkt pengar till Cancerfonden.
    Snart uppe i 30, du inspirerar verkligen oss!
    Rickard från Skåne
    Ps. Lovar att skänka en slant till när du går i mål ;-)

  16. Vilken fighter!
    "When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Going" =)

  17. Truly amazing! Mike and I (Carolyn) friends of Susan and Francis,also have been following your amazing progress.
    We will be following you to the end.
    Best wishes :)
    Carolyn & Mike Pakledinaz
